White /vendors/vendorImages white.jpg
Energy Efficient
Energy Star /vendors/vendorImages energy star.jpg
Title 24 /vendors/vendorImages ca title 24 compliant.jpg
Damp Rated
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
White /vendors/vendorImages white.jpg
Damp Rated
Energy Efficient
Energy Star /vendors/vendorImages energy star.jpg
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
Title 24 /vendors/vendorImages ca title 24 compliant.jpg
Special Features:
Hide-A-Lite V Led Puck Low Profile Design Provides Versatility To Allow Installations Inside A Cabinet, Under A Cabinet And Above A Cabinet To Provide Up Light;Quick And Simple Mounting Installation;Dimmed Down To 10% With Many Forward Phase (Triac) And E
Americans with Disabilities Act:
Can be Mounted Up or Down:
Construction Material -Secondary Part:
Convertible Fixture Includes Both Mounts:
Dimming Compatability:
Lutron - NTEVL-300;Lutron - DVELV-300P;Lutron - DVCL-253P;Lutron - Caseta Wireless;Leviton - 6681;Leviton - 6672;Leviton - 6674;Lutron - AYCL-153P;Lutron - TGCL-153-PH;Lutron - AYLV-600P;Lutron - NTLV-600;Lutron - MAELV-601;Leviton - AWSMT-EAW
Grounded Convenience Outlet included:
Long Description:
Hide-A-Lite V LED puck low profile design provides versatility to allow installations inside a cabinet, under a cabinet and above a cabinet to provide up light;Quick and simple mounting installation;Dimmed down to 10% with many Forward Phase (Triac) and E
Proposition 65 Reproductive Harm:
Proposition 65 Warning Required?:
Starting Temperature - Minimum: