Bronze /vendors/vendorImages bronze.jpg
Damp Rated
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
Damp Rated
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
Height To Center of Outlet:
Special Features:
Antique Bronze Finish.;Sophisticated Design.;Features A Stout Frame.;Etched Linen Glass Shades.;Fixture Can Be Installed With Glass Facing Up Or Down.
Americans with Disabilities Act:
Can be Mounted Up or Down:
Convertible Fixture Includes Both Mounts:
Grounded Convenience Outlet included:
Long Description:
Antique Bronze finish.;Sophisticated design.;Features a stout frame.;Etched linen glass shades.;Fixture can be installed with glass facing up or down.
Proposition 65 Reproductive Harm:
Proposition 65 Warning Required?:
Short Description:
4-Lt. Antique Bronze Bath & Vanity
Weight of Fixture Exceeds NEC Limits: