Clear /vendors/vendorImages clear.jpg
Dry Rated
Prop 65 /vendors/vendorImages prop65.png
Tv Cabinet / Stand with Fireplace
MDF, Mirror, Metal, Crystals
Any Certification TSCA VI:
Combustion Air Vent Type:
Distance Between Shelf and Cabinet Sink:
Firebox Filler Type or Interior:
Fireplace Adjustable Flame:
Fireplace Adjustable Thermostat:
Fireplace Electric Flame Type:
Fireplace Firebox Exterior Finish:
Fireplace Firebox Glass Tempered:
Fireplace Firebox Height:
Fireplace Firebox Included:
Fireplace Firebox Length:
Fireplace Flickering Flame Effect:
Fireplace Infrared Technology:
Fireplace Maximum BTU Output:
Fireplace Remote Included:
Fireplace Requires Batteries:
Fireplace Screen Included:
Flame Operational Without Heat:
Location Rating:
Dry Rated, Wet Rated, Damp Rated
Mirror Have Beveled Glass:
Table/Desk Top Max Weight:
Thermal Overload Protection:
TV Stand Have Holes For Cable:
TV Stand How Many Holes for Cable Wiring:
Used for TV Stand or Mantle: